
It's started 4 years ago. I was single 23 year old workaholic, who loved 3 things - dating, working and partying.

My life was pretty great. I was young, hot and successful - I was the "it" girl when I met him.

He was a prince on a white horse. Well, actually he was a lawyer who I met on a "Body Sushi Party". Nonetheless, he was handsome, funny, down to earth guy, who I fell in love with from the first date.

As our relationship got stronger, more and more I thought that he was "The One". But unfortunately after 4 years of being together (3 of them - in one apartment) he cheated on me in our bed (I actually saw it) and left to another county, hoping to stay friends.

After couple of months of weeping and a month of hard core partying with some rebound sex. I decided to get my life back on track and become "happy single" again.

I have some tasks that I believe are going to help me achieving my goal:

1) Start playing drums again (yep, I used to play drums until I had to give them up for the sake of new career)

2) Work out at least every second day.

3) Stop going out more then twice a week, and stop getting drunk more then once a month.

4) Read a good book at least every second day, at least for 30min.

5) Stop looking for a guy to fulfill your life. No one likes needy.

And of course - write reports of progress in this blog. So, dear reader - if you exist...) In case this blog randomly ends, know that I fail.

P.S. Sorry for my English, I'm from Russia.

Thursday 28 February 2013

Day 5

My mood is lifted again, my shallow nature came out and my soul searching ended in 1 second.
As you may read before, I was supposed to meet a client at 3am. Well he wasn't a guy from US, but a handsome, young, talented music writer from Sweden. He apparently wrote the song that will be representing Russia in upcoming Eurovision and he is HOT!
He came with his manager, and while she was talking to me, voices in my had were saying - "Hey beautiful writer, can I take you for a drink sometime?"
Unfortunately that's not what you are allowed to say on a meeting like this, especially if you look like a monster (2 hours of sleep does not work well for me).
In any case, I'm now pretty happy with being single again since guys like him exist and future looks fun and exciting.
Note to self - have your hair done and put on makeup even if you are on a meeting in the middle of the night!

Back to exercises, having good body seem useful again.

Good day.

Wednesday 27 February 2013

Day 4

Well, drinking didn't go as well as I thought it would. I had a meeting that was supposed to end by 10:30pm instead it ended closer to 1am and all of my friends had left by that time. So I end up going to a bar with my boss where we talked business till 4am...

Next day wasn't as good as one had hoped as well. Phone was ringing all day while I was running around, trying to meet people and solve problems. Also I'm starting to realize that my startup company might not be ready on time, which means I might need to wait for a whole year to make it...

No work out, no reading, no time...
Have to get up at 3 am, since we have a client flying from US and someone has to meet him.

On days like this, it's hard not to think of how my life would be if I'd have support, and wouldn't have to fight all of my battles alone.

See ya

Tuesday 26 February 2013

Day 3

Spent most of the day being nostalgic about one guy I hooked up with, for rebound purposes. He was hot, young, tall, blue eyes "Kiwi", who came to Moscow for a couple of days. We connected straight away, and to my surprise he wasn't just hot, but also intelligent young man with nice manners and great skills in bed. If it wouldn't be for my job, I'd stay with him the whole time he was here.
 Now couple of thing were disturbing about this particular hook up.
First of all he was 6 years younger then me, then again my workouts help me to maintain better body then some girls my age.
 But I really started feeling old when it turned out that his dad (lives in Moscow) was a friend of one of my close friends. And if that's not enough, his dads new girl (it's being Russia) was younger then me. Tell you what, it was pretty awkward meeting them at the bar.
 Still, I spent great time with him and now have couple of fun memories to kill the day.

Thanks Dear.

Looking forward to be in a bar today and have most promoted single girls drink - cosmopolitan.
P.S. "Catch 22" only 5 extra pages so far...


Monday 25 February 2013

Day 2

Couldn't say that today was to exciting, apparently not going out makes you a bit depressed. Plus I got sore throat combined with first day of period, so decided to let my assistant do everything that would require going outside and worked straight from my bed.
Now I still managed to do some exercises and tried not to look in the mirror all day to keep the rest of self-esteem.
The biggest challenge of the day was to read "Catch 22". My good friend (who I think is one of the smartest men I know) recommended it to me, saying that - "It was the greatest book he have read in his entire life", wich made me think of course that I would love it. I didn't. In fact, I find it amazingly boring and strange. He said that  English in the book is remarkable. Well, looks like being Russian, I can't appreciate it at all. Nonetheless, I decided to finish it before labeling.
So far 94 pages of struggle.
Tomorrow I'll probably go to a bar on my street to play "Mafia". Life is to short to be sad in the evenings.


Sunday 24 February 2013

Day 1

So it's Sunday and I am proud to say that I stayed at home last night like a good girl and woke up without hangover, which is something to be proud of if you are a single girl in Moscow city.
Another thing to be proud of is my workout. I did couple of nice exercises and though I only work out for 5-7min, I feel really good about myself after I'm done.
Things not to be proud of:
Ate whole pie yesterday, and started working day by having breakfast at sushi place. So spent money that I wasn't supposed to and ate food that is not so good for me... But it was fun so... I'm gonna let it slide. Oh and for the first time in at least a year I had some red bull. Terribly bad, but so tasty.

Now to the interesting stuff. Today at work I met such a fun lady from NY, her job is to travel around the world and organize sports events like Olympics. So now she is staying in Moscow with her team - preparing for Sochi Olympics 2014. We couldn't stop chatting for 2 hours, which is really unusual for me, since I get bored pretty easily. Not that I don't find people interesting, I just have a bit of ADD (wouldn't say that it's an actual psychological problem, I'm just really spoiled with all of the fun people and fun activities around me).
So this lady is staying in Moscow for a year and then, after forming and training a team of Russian filmmakers, going to Sochi to continue her work there. How fun is that?
We decided that we must go out together at some point!

That's what happened to me so far, I should finish working around 8pm, so hopefully some drumming at the studio awaits for me today.
