
It's started 4 years ago. I was single 23 year old workaholic, who loved 3 things - dating, working and partying.

My life was pretty great. I was young, hot and successful - I was the "it" girl when I met him.

He was a prince on a white horse. Well, actually he was a lawyer who I met on a "Body Sushi Party". Nonetheless, he was handsome, funny, down to earth guy, who I fell in love with from the first date.

As our relationship got stronger, more and more I thought that he was "The One". But unfortunately after 4 years of being together (3 of them - in one apartment) he cheated on me in our bed (I actually saw it) and left to another county, hoping to stay friends.

After couple of months of weeping and a month of hard core partying with some rebound sex. I decided to get my life back on track and become "happy single" again.

I have some tasks that I believe are going to help me achieving my goal:

1) Start playing drums again (yep, I used to play drums until I had to give them up for the sake of new career)

2) Work out at least every second day.

3) Stop going out more then twice a week, and stop getting drunk more then once a month.

4) Read a good book at least every second day, at least for 30min.

5) Stop looking for a guy to fulfill your life. No one likes needy.

And of course - write reports of progress in this blog. So, dear reader - if you exist...) In case this blog randomly ends, know that I fail.

P.S. Sorry for my English, I'm from Russia.

Thursday 25 April 2013

NY - Vegas - NY.

Hello dear who ever you are.

I haven't been writing for a while because of my long holiday in US where I didn't want to touch my computer at all. But now i'm back to rainy Moscow and back on writing my blog.

I had a lot of unhealthy and high calorie food in US, so need to double on a diet and working out now... No fun. But other then that I had a great time:

Went on a date with an old friend, spilled drink on a glamorous girl, who I'm sure still hates me as much as one can.
Hook up with bunch of my party people in NY.
Gambled in Vegas and managed to win.
And even spent some time with my ex who came to visit me in NY.

Here it is:

Friday 5 April 2013

Sex and Honesty.

Today I got to think about all of the sex rules.

One one hand everybody knows that sex is fun, well almost everybody... And on the other, we are not supposed to have to much of it, we are supposed to go on several dates if we don't want to seem cheap and easy. And we are not supposed to be talking about it.

Couple of days ago I was in a bar and a guy came to me asking if I wanted to have a drink, the moment I saw him I knew that I will not be interested in having an intercourse, and so I told him:
 - You can, but I won't have sex with you.
Everyone around me, including a guy were shocked and offended. But why? Any woman or a man, being in a bar, can tell if they are interested in each-other within first 5 minutes, there rest is just foreplay. So isn't it more honest to just be clear about it?

I'll never believe that people come and get drunk in bars hoping to find their true love, we all come to have fun, drink and flirt. And in one out of a hundred times you'll see someone you are actually interested in (I'm not talking about bimbos and money bags). So why lie? Why can't we just do what we want to do and say what we wan't to say?

Why is it so hard for us to be honest? Even with ourselves?

Wednesday 3 April 2013

Cosmo And a Bar.

So here I am, really close to be finally me again. The problem is - 27 year old me is still different form 23 year old me.
I'm more focused, I'm much more serious about career and money and less about hobbies and men.

This is not who I wanted to become, I still have an image in my head of a girl that jumps around with a happy smile and in a short skirt, but apparently that girl is now sitting at a bar, having her cocktail and thinking of how fun it would be if she could also read a book.

You know that there are many bars around the world with names like "Whiskey and Books" or "Bar and Books" but I wish that there would actually be a bar where you would come in, feel the atmosphere inspired by designer interior with fireplace and comfy chairs in a half dark room with a small nightstand and a lamp next to you, sit down, order a drink and read a book surrounded by other beautiful people reading books and chatting while listening to a jazz music (basically a library with less light and some drinks).
And then you wouldn't have to sit in a bar, doing nothing, and guys wouldn't have to come up with pickup lines - they would just talk about books that girls would read...

Ahh, that would be my kind of bar... Gosh, I feel old just typing this...