
It's started 4 years ago. I was single 23 year old workaholic, who loved 3 things - dating, working and partying.

My life was pretty great. I was young, hot and successful - I was the "it" girl when I met him.

He was a prince on a white horse. Well, actually he was a lawyer who I met on a "Body Sushi Party". Nonetheless, he was handsome, funny, down to earth guy, who I fell in love with from the first date.

As our relationship got stronger, more and more I thought that he was "The One". But unfortunately after 4 years of being together (3 of them - in one apartment) he cheated on me in our bed (I actually saw it) and left to another county, hoping to stay friends.

After couple of months of weeping and a month of hard core partying with some rebound sex. I decided to get my life back on track and become "happy single" again.

I have some tasks that I believe are going to help me achieving my goal:

1) Start playing drums again (yep, I used to play drums until I had to give them up for the sake of new career)

2) Work out at least every second day.

3) Stop going out more then twice a week, and stop getting drunk more then once a month.

4) Read a good book at least every second day, at least for 30min.

5) Stop looking for a guy to fulfill your life. No one likes needy.

And of course - write reports of progress in this blog. So, dear reader - if you exist...) In case this blog randomly ends, know that I fail.

P.S. Sorry for my English, I'm from Russia.

Monday 18 March 2013

Strangest night.

Hello my friends,

Sorry I haven't wrote for so long, but I had a crazy week. First as you know, my ex came to town, so some drama was involved. We are trying to stay friends and of course it's really hard when you just had 4 year of relationship. You are always caught up in between. And every time you see each other, you are looking at your fails:

Fail to get married.
Fail to keep the relationship.
Fail to make him love you enough to be with you.
But he left again, and I'm back to recovery.

I had a week of vegetable salads. No mayo, no cheese, no sweets, no sweet drinks and workouts every day. IT WAS HARD! The great part is I see results already, I've lost weight and got stronger. Strong enough to dance all night in a bar. Now that's where the fun story comes in:

The plan was to go out and have some drinks in a bar, then have a meeting with late arriving client and come back to a bar. I guess it's time you know what I do for living, else this story won't make any sense.

My boss has a company called "Moscow Suites". It's a small business he started 5 years ago and I joined 3 years later. Besides being my boss he is one of the best friends I have and we've known each other for 7 years now. We own about 20 apartments in the center of Moscow and we rent them as serviced apartments with free pickups, housekeeping etc. So my job is to run everything starting from getting arrival details from a client, ending coming to say farewell to the apartment when he leaves and making sure he got to the airport safe.

So this particular night I was waiting for check in of our clients in the apartment at 1 am, his friends were already in Moscow, they even left their stuff in the room and took keys, but couldn't wait to let him in. By 2 am I got pretty bored... His plane was late, he lost his bag and his friends were calling me every 5 minutes, trying to figure out how to get to a bar.
In the middle of one of those conversation I heard someone opening the door with a key. I asked guys if one of them decided to go back home, the answer was:
- No, no everyone is here.
- Well, there is definitely someone at the door - I said, being pretty confused.
- Oh wait, Dave is missing, that's Dave.

Well Dave wasn't coming home all by himself, he managed to get a girl somewhere on the way, I started panicking, imagine you come in to apartment with a guy and see another girl in full makeup there.
They entered... 1 min of awkward silence.
- I've waiting for Shane! - I basically screamed at girls face, while Dave was showing me with signs to go to another room.
I retreated and asked Shane - who was already on his way to meet me in the other apartment guys have booked.
While this fun stuff was happening, the rest of the group gave up their efforts to find a bar and decided to pick up me and Shane and move out together.
By the time everyone arrived it was 3am. After guys stop being complete idiots while trying to ruin their friend's night and having drinks, we finally moved out to a bar. Luckily my friends were still there and we end up having a lot of fun.

That's my life eh. It's crazy but I like it.

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