
It's started 4 years ago. I was single 23 year old workaholic, who loved 3 things - dating, working and partying.

My life was pretty great. I was young, hot and successful - I was the "it" girl when I met him.

He was a prince on a white horse. Well, actually he was a lawyer who I met on a "Body Sushi Party". Nonetheless, he was handsome, funny, down to earth guy, who I fell in love with from the first date.

As our relationship got stronger, more and more I thought that he was "The One". But unfortunately after 4 years of being together (3 of them - in one apartment) he cheated on me in our bed (I actually saw it) and left to another county, hoping to stay friends.

After couple of months of weeping and a month of hard core partying with some rebound sex. I decided to get my life back on track and become "happy single" again.

I have some tasks that I believe are going to help me achieving my goal:

1) Start playing drums again (yep, I used to play drums until I had to give them up for the sake of new career)

2) Work out at least every second day.

3) Stop going out more then twice a week, and stop getting drunk more then once a month.

4) Read a good book at least every second day, at least for 30min.

5) Stop looking for a guy to fulfill your life. No one likes needy.

And of course - write reports of progress in this blog. So, dear reader - if you exist...) In case this blog randomly ends, know that I fail.

P.S. Sorry for my English, I'm from Russia.

Sunday 24 March 2013

The Break In.

While I was caught up with my love life, some real life trouble happened at the door upstairs, where my lovely neighbor Vika lives.

Yesterday I was deep in my dream when I heard Ilya's (my roommate) voice. Andy get up, oh Andy, problem, big problem, bad thing happen really bad thing happened. At first I though that I was dreaming it, but when he came in to my room and screamed - GET UP, I understood... I'll have to get up.

Turned out, in the middle of the night he decided to go feed Vika's cat (she - Vika, not the cat - went on a holiday for 4 nights), and when he got upstairs, two men were leaving her room. He was about to ask them - "What the hell?", when one of them punched my poor roommate in the face, knocking him out for a couple of seconds.

After regaining consciousness, he came running downstairs, panicking and bleeding from his nose.
We called cops and ambulance. All of the talking and dealing with doctors took us about 3 hours.
Then her door was locked and sealed with yellow tape, and the cat successfully moved in to our apartment for the time being.

The fun we have...

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